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Lowes Payment Receipt Settlement Lawsuit

It is important to remain aware of possible lawsuit settlements that may affect you. A group of Lowes customers and attorneys have brought a claim against Lowes for a payment receipt violation. The lawsuit claims that Lowes printed more than the last 5 digits of the credit card number on payment receipts when customers paid on their account in store. If you look at your payment receipt when you make a credit or debit card payment, you will see they only print the last four digits of your credit/debit card. The payment receipt settlement alleges that Lowes printed more than the last four allowed by law. Lowes issues their credit cards through GE Money Card. This lawsuit went forward due to identity theft and people who throw away their payment receipts and someone finds their credit card number on it and uses it. The settlement only applies to those who made payments in store between certain dates and received a payment receipt.  

The Lowes settlement occurred when cardholders made in store payments on their Lowes branded GE Money Bank credit card balances. If you are a past or present Lowes branded GE Money bank credit cardholder and made a payment on your account in the store between 1/1/2005 and 3/24/2008 you are probably eligible for a settlement. You do not need to show the receipt or proof that you made a payment in store. If you did, it will be reflected in your credit history at Lowes.

Lowes claims that they did not print the cardholders entire account card number on payment receipts and put them at risk of identity theft. The court has not ruled on if Lowes did anything wrong, but there is a settlement. If you believe that you are are qualified to be part of this class action lawsuit settlement, you have three options. If you made one payment on your Lowes credit card, submit a claim form online or by mail by 9/1/2011 and you may receive a gift card valued at $25. If you made two payments, the gift card will be $33.

If you made three or more payments, you are eligible for a $40 Lowes gift card. The gift cards can be used just as cash in any Lowes store. It is interesting to note that the class members representative will receive $2500.00 and the attorneys for the plaintiff $1,724.000. 

You can also choose to do nothing and remain in the lawsuit. You will not receive a gift card if you choose this option. You will still remain a plaintiff in the lawsuit and be bound by the final settlement, which could be nothing or more depending on what the court decides. You can also exclude yourself and reserve the right to sue Lowes at your own legal expense. To be excluded from this settlement, you must send a letter to Lowes Settlement Administrator by 5/2/2011stating that you wish to be excluded from the payment Receipt Settlement. You can always make your statements known by writing to the court whether you agree or disagree with the payment receipt settlement lawsuit. Contact the payment Administrator at 1-866-890-4859 for more information or visit their Payment Receipt Settlement Website to submit your claim
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