Download our printable CPTED Training Brochure
Crime Prevention
Through Environmental Design Training
Announcing CPTED Training Available at Your
We will come to your facility and train your
staff in the principles of CPTED. This is a
great way to get your entire staff CPTED
trained without the expense of sending them
out of town. We understand the busy
schedules you keep and sometimes a 3 or 5
day course, plus travel, is too expensive
and time consuming. We want to make CPTED
training available to everyone and make
getting trained as convenient as possible.
Classes at your facility are available for
as little as $50.00 per person. We will
create a tailored made CPTED training class
based on your needs and availability. Call
contact us or
email us here for more information
Contact us for
additional upcoming CPTED Training Dates Even if you have been attended another "Basic CPTED" class,
you will benefit from attending our Level I CPTED Seminar. Our instructors work
in the field of CPTED on a daily basis and bring practical knowledge and
real-life examples of CPTED uses to the classroom.
There is much more to safety
and security than locks, alarms and security cameras. CPTED security training
principles weighs
heavily the importance of the feeling of safety and security. Perception is
reality. The fear of crime is quite often, as devastating as crime itself and
law-abiding people will avoid areas which feel unsafe. This leads to an even
higher risk to those who do go there. Police agencies around the world are
utilizing Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design principles to make communities
safer. Private businesses who incorporate CPTED guidelines and principals into the design of
their property and physical structures have found that it results in a more
user-friendly place for employees and customers. CPTED can reduce premise
liability. CPTED changes the way people
feel about their environment. Our CPTED security consultants will meet with
you and develop a comprehensive CPTED
strategy and provide the necessary CPTED training to reduce the fear and incidence of crime at your property.
What some of our former students and clients
have to say about CPTED Security Training |

"Very practical and informative."
"Interesting, informative and fun!"
"High quality instruction throughout the entire training course."
"Very interesting and effective crime prevention ideas."
"Well prepared and professional."
"The training was very thorough and understandable."
"Very useful for my profession."
Contact us to schedule a
free consultation and custom training needs assessment. |
Existing Property Assessments and New Construction
It is important to consider all
options when faced with a problem property with
long-standing crime and quality of life challenges. Too
many times, owners and authorities place "band aids" on
the problem and only experience short term results.
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design approaches
the problem through a comprehensive analysis and
strategy designed to provide long-term self sustaining
solutions. We at CPTED Security Consultants have
extensive experience in the area of property assessments
and smart security design. We have conducted hundreds of
property assessments which have resulted in a better
quality of life and less calls for police service. We
are involved in team approach projects on a daily basis
for both existing and new construction projects. Contact
us for a free consultation regarding your existing
property or new development security design assessment.
December 15, 2009
Preventing crime is not solely the job of locks
on doors or security cameras scanning entranceways. The makeup of a
physical environment can influence where crimes. ASSA ABLOY Future Lab a
leader in global solutions in the area of integration and mechanical and
electronic security solutions featured CPTED Security in their
Crime Prevention
feature article.

September 26, 2008
Graffiti Control Conference

CPTED Security co-hosted the international gathering of security
professionals to discuss and develop solutions to graffiti problems
faced throughout the world. This was a FREE conference where security
professionals from around the world met and shared ideas on how to
combat graffiti by Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design.
August 2008
CPTED Security Interviewed for Athletic
Business Magazine
Recreation Facility Security

January 11, 2008
Fifteen Group Land & Development LLC Unveils
Vision For Model Community in East Los Angeles. The plan calls for
redeveloping the 70-acre site to include 4,400 residential units,
300,000 square feet of retail, office, and commercial space as well as
nine acres of publicly accessible open space. Construction could
commence as early as 2010 and take up to 10 years to complete the $2
billion project.
CPTED Security Consultants were part of the design team with security
design review responsibilities for this project.
15 Group Press Release
LA Times Newspaper
